CCP Single Stop Helps Students Get Covered

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For years, Community College of Philadelphia has been partnered with Single Stop USA, a program that helps families across the country with financial issues. The CCP Single Stop program has helped students gain access to financial resources and other services that they may need.

Since the end of January, the colleges Single Stop program has added something else to its list of services; healthcare.

According to CCPs website, their Single Stop program is partnering with the Department of Health and Human Services and the Health Federation and bringing in professionals to help students sign up for a healthcare plan that is right for them.

These professionals will set up sessions dedicated to healthcare sign up, where they will work with students and answer any questions they may have about getting covered. According to an article about the program from the Philadelphia Inquirer, since the healthcare enrollment sessions began, they have helped over 100 students learn more about getting healthcare coverage.

—Courtney Marabella

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